Kendal 01539 732757


More about Reiki

History of Reiki
Reiki Attunements
Karuna & Seichim Reiki Master training
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Reiki, (pronounced Ray-key) is an ancient system, thousands of years old, of natural healing involving the laying on of hands .  It is a belief that the technique, widely used initially by Tibetan monks over 2300 years ago, was re-discovered in the 1800’s by a Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui. It was through his dedication and experiences, that he spent the rest of his life using, and teaching the tremendous healing power of Reiki. 

The Usui Natural Healing System of Reiki  or 'Usui Shiki Ryoho' is a simple, though very powerful, healing technique that is easily given and received by all.

Reiki can be defined as Universal Life Force Energy - And is a pure form of healing. Reiki heals all that has life force including:- Animals, people, plants, flowers, insects, vegetables etc.,  and can be used to bless and invigorate all that is not, such as crystals, a meal, letters etc.. Scientifically Reiki produces a subtle electro-magnetic field that can be detected and employed by a living body to stimulate the natural self-healing process. The actual words ‘Rei’ and ‘Ki’ are thought to originate from ‘Raku-Kei’ are from the Japanese language.  Raku is the vertical energy flow and Ki is the horizontal energy flow within and through the body.  Raku-Kei is the art and science of self improvement used by ancient Tibetan Lamas dating back many thousands of years.

Reiki supports the body's natural ability to heal itself, Healing on all levels whether mental, spiritual, physical and/or emotional. Loosening blocked energy, cleansing the body of toxins. Increasing intuitive awareness, strengthening immune system. Reiki also helps in meditation  - increasing psychic sensitivity.

In the modern interpretation Rei-Ki - written in Japanese as:

Definition of Reiki

Reiki can be defined as spiritually guided life force energy- this being one of the most accepted definitions and sums up the experience that many people have of the energy.  It is the God-consciousness called Rei that guides the life force called Ki in the practice we call Reiki.

Rei- Spiritual Wisdom

The word Rei means ‘Universal’, i.e. present everywhere and is a general definition for the word.  Japanese ideograms, or ‘Kanji, have several levels of meaning and interpretation and is commonly accepted that the meaning of ‘Rei’ is more accurately interpreted by Reiki practitioners as the Higher Spiritual Consciousness and the knowing that comes from the ‘God’ self and is all knowing.

The Japanese dictionary defines ‘Rei’ as:  Spirit;  Divine,  charismatic, supernatural, mysterious, the light of the spirit;  a wonder, a person or being with spiritual or supernatural powers. A shaman.  Goodness,  Life  A living being; a human being. A supernatural, mythical, a fairy, an elf.  Pure, undefined, unpolluted. Bright, clear.

Ki – Life Energy

Ki means means ‘energy’ and is synonymous with Chi (in Chinese), Prana (Sanskrit), Ti or Ki (Hawaiian). Ki is said to be the ‘non physical’ vital energy connecting with and through all things, animating life and is the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual self.  It is an energy that is channelled through the body and guided through intent or the ‘higher self’.

Ki has been studied for thousands of years as the energy of life. E.g. martial artists use Ki in their mental development; meditative breathing exercises called Pranayama concentrate on Ki; shamans use Ki for psychic awareness and manifestation.

Vital Life Force  that flows through all living beings, Ki surrounds  and animates all life and is the primary source of our thoughts, emotions and spiritual existence  Vital energy connected with the breath. Prana in sanscrit, the material force of the Universe.  The generative forces of heaven and earth, by means of which all things are constantly reproduced.

Is Reiki a religion?

Reiki is a natural system of healing, spiritual in nature and not a religion. It has no dogma surrounding it and is not dependant upon any belief that it will work.  It complements other forms of healing and philosophies of the unity of mind-body-spirit and promotes harmony and balance to self and others.

The practitioner as an open channel

Reiki differs from other systems in that attunements, or initiators, are an ancient process of ‘tuning’ the healer’s etheric field and physical body to the highest vibration of Reiki energy and the vibration of the Reiki symbols, thereby allowing a clear channel for the energy to flow.  The energy flows through the healer, who acts as an open channel for the energy and through the hands to another, harmonising and balancing the energy fields and thus ‘removing’ any areas that believe they have dis-harmony or dis-ease.  The healer is a channel for Reiki and thus never ‘drains’ the healer- in fact the more Reiki a practitioner gives of the energy, the more is received.

All healers use the Life Force Energy, through  not all use Reiki, which works on a specific vibration.  It is, of course, possible that from birth, people may already be attuned to the energy, but in practice it takes a Reiki Master to attune an individual to the energy.

How does Reiki Heal?

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body, in doing so Reiki clears, aligns and heals energy pathways allowing the life force to flow in a normal and healthy way. When Reiki is introduced to a living body the energy radiates through the cells reversing the polarity of dis-eased cells healing them completely. Cells that are beyond repair have to leave the body, cells are excreted  through water mechanisms, through the skin, through the bowels and bladder,  and perhaps crying therefore water is required following treatment to replenish the body and aid in cellular regeneration the basis of  all healing.

What can be Treated?

Reiki is both powerful and gentle. In its long history of use, it has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury, including serious problems like multiple  sclerosis, heart disease, cancer, skin problems, cuts, bruises, headache, cold. flu, sore throat, sun burn, fatigue, insomnia, impotence, infertility, poor memory, asthma, and many more. It is always beneficial and also works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. Reiki will improve the results of other types of medical treatment acting to reduce negative side effects, shorten healing   time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress and help create optimism.

Reiki Treatments

The practitioner gives treatments by placing their hands in a number of easily learnt positions on the ‘person to be healed’ with the intent to heal and the Reiki energy begins to flow.  The Reiki naturally flows to the area most in need and therefore no direction by the practitioner is necessary for the energy to work.  This means that each Reiki treatment differs and the persons receiving a treatment and the practitioners giving the healing, report differing sensations and effects e.g. warmth, cold, tingling.  Whatever the experience, know that it is the highest good of both the healer and healee and the general beneficial effect of the treatment is the same with the recipient receiving the required energy to bring about changes to restore balance within.

Who can learn Reiki?


The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor do the ability to meditate. It doesn't take years of practice, not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability, not affected by the healers personality, It is simply passed on from teacher top student , as soon as this happens one has and can do Reiki. It is easily learned by anyone, even children

Self-growth through Reiki

As the flow of Reiki begins to be used by the practitioner, so the inevitable refining of the individual’s own spiritual self takes place, thus creating change; harmonising and balancing thoughts and emotions; increasing self-awareness and promoting a greater feeling of well-being; and empowering the practitioner to accept full responsibility for their future development and conscious understanding.

Principles of Reiki

Just for today        I will not worry

Just for today        I will not be angry

Just for today        I will give thanks for many blessings

Just for today        I will do my work honestly

Just for today        I will be kind to my neighbour and every living being

Mikao Usui

It is thought that the original Reiki ideals were: the secret art of inviting happiness; the miraculous medicine of all dis-ease; just for today, do not be angry; do not worry and be filled with gratitude; devote yourself to your work and be kind to people; every morning pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth.  Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind.  The founder….Mikao Usui

A Reiki practitioners' energy never gets depleted 


Because it is a channelled healing process, the practitioners energy never gets depleted In fact, Reiki consciousness considers both the healer and the healee, so both get treated. Because of this,  giving treatment always increases one's own energy and leaves one surrounded with a feeling of well being. Reiki is guided by a higher consciousness, it always knows what the healer and healee needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate.

History of Reiki